Once upon a time on the Amalfi Coast
VIAMERCANTI was founded in 1995 by two childhood friends, Antonio, an expert in the world of textiles and fashion, and Paolo, a historic artisan from Salerno.
From a small local workshop, VIAMERCANTI has prospered over the years to meet the growing demands of appreciative customers in Italy and throughout Europe. Our production, entirely made in Italy, is based in Salerno, a short distance from the picturesque Amalfi Coast and the enchanting island of Capri, sources of inspiration for our collections.
In the 2000s, the meeting with Renato Cenedella, an esteemed designer and expert in the world market, gave an international and sophisticated touch to our footwear. Attention to detail, attention to materials and the constant search for distinctive shapes and accessories characterize each line, meeting the needs of an increasingly demanding female clientele in terms of quality and practicality.
Craftsmen forever
Today, after two decades in business, we still run the company with the warmth and dedication typical of a family business. Our main goal is to pass on our peculiarities to new generations, to ensure the continued production of sought-after footwear made with passion and love.
Browse the section to discover all our creations, a perfect combination of tradition, quality and style.
Antonio e Paolo
Friends for life, they are the right fusion of business and craftsmanship: Antonio, 30 years' experience in the entrepreneurial field of leather manufacturing. Paul, the craftsman behind the attention to detail of every single product. They are the founding minds and arms of Viamercanti from which the innovations and progress of this brand come.
Always present, he effectively and passionately follows production settings and all stages related to the shipment of goods to our customers. He is more than a point of reference for all...
I started more than 20 years ago in a small craft store. We used to make sandals, small crafts and leather repairs. Today's reality is quite different but the spirit that distinguishes us is the same. Empathy, synergy and friendliness are the guiding lines of my work, but above all there is a great desire to learn, in life as in work. - we are all apprentices in a trade where we do not become masters -
"For more than 20 years in the field of footwear, I have grown in my work with and thanks to VIAMERCANTI, always pursuing the same ideals of quality and professionalism with patience and passion we have arrived where we are now"
Experience has little to teach if it is not lived with humility
"Nella produzione delle scarpe come in quella dei sandali la suola è una parte fondamentale, i macchinari impiegati in questa fase sono veramente pochi, la manualità è alla base di questa fase". - Se insisti e resisti raggiungi e conquisti.
"Decades of experience, passion, dedication and attention to detail are for me the basic requirements for a product with a high target audience and 100% accurate manufacturing, typical of the best made in Italy"-Details make perfection. Perfection is not a detail-
"My work starts with choosing raw materials, identifying the characteristics of each type of leather, selecting the best leathers and the best performance in their use." - The only way to do a great job is to love what you do -
"After the cutting stage, the upper is prepared to be fitted to form, just as it takes good dough to make a good pizza, so for the success of an excellent shoe it takes excellent upper preparation."
Learning is a treasure that will follow its
owner everywhere-
"They are two completely different phases: the first consists of the first approach between the upper and the last, the second , the soling, is the bonding of the sole to the shoe. Two phases, however, that have in common the skill and dexterity in the use of machinery that is simple in its composition but complex in its proper use -Constancy, stubbornness and passion. Steps forward are made with these qualities and above all with a wonderful pair of shoes on your foot.
He began working in the factory in his teens, then lived for several months in Ireland and later for a year in Germany with the main purpose of learning the language and understanding as much as possible the customs, tastes and habits of our customers. To date, despite his young age, he is the closest person to our company's customers.